Serious Injury Solicitors

No Win No Fee

Why Serious Injury Solicitors?

Compensation you deserve

Admission of liability

An apology

Minimal or no deductions

Prompt communication

Specialising In Catastrophic and life-changing injuries


Welcome to, the caring solicitor. Expert Clinical negligence senior solicitors and experienced team are here to listen and help you with your injury compensation claim. We’re a team of caring experts deal with catastrophic and life-changing injuries on a daily basis, they will listen and look to make a positive difference in the quality of your loved one’s

Our priority is to keep the journey as stress-free as possible, to get you the maximum compensation you deserve as soon as possible which could enhance the quality of your life.

Our team have dealt with a significant number of catastrophic injury cases. Some of these have been covered in the media, including the tragic Victoria Climbié case, and serious cases arising from the Clapham Junction disaster.

If you think you have a case, then why not call us today for a FREE no obligation discussion and claim assessment on a strictly, No win No fee arrangement – 0330 0011183

Book A Free Meeting

Specialists in Telford and Shrewsbury Negligence Claims

We at will provide you with a free no-obligation 30-minute assessment with a member of our highly qualified team, and get your claim screened by a Doctor. We can then identify if you have a claim that merits further investigation against the Shrewsbury & Telford NHS Trust or any other NHS Trust for gynaecological injuries or  – any other serious injury negligence.

The Shropshire Maternity Care Scandal hit the national media in recent times, when it was revealed that substandard professional health care was a contributory factor in the deaths or serious injury to babies and mothers. With almost 2000 cases being identified, a full-scale inquiry was called for. The ongoing Ockenden Review confirms the figures, which at this time are only estimates. The knock-on effect from this is widespread across England and Wales as other NHS trusts are being identified for similar failures. There is no place or excuse for poor maternity care by health professionals. 

Serious Injury Solicitors have acted for families against various hospital trusts, for injuries to mothers and babies during childbirth. We have unrivalled passion and commitment to securing a better resolution for the issues caused by below standard and poor medical attention whilst under hospital care. It will never compensate for your loss, however, our team will work to deliver the best outcome for you, and maximise any financial compensation that may be due.

Through securing from the Trusts, interim payments on account for our clients, we can get your rehabilitation and the best medical treatment in place for you as soon as it’s available in order to enhance recovery and resolve any pressing issues that are of concern.

It is a sad statistic that three hundred babies died or were left brain-damaged due to inadequate care at an NHS trust. The five-year investigations carried out by Donna Ockenden has concluded that mothers were denied caesarean sections and forced to endure traumatic births due to an NHS Trust preoccupation with hitting government ‘normal birth’ targets.

What is needed to succeed in a claim for clinical negligence?
  • The injured party must prove that the Defendant owed a duty of care to them and
  • The Defendant was negligent with the care provided, that is to say, the Claimant received fell below the standard of care which was acceptable.
  • The negligent act has directly caused or contributed to the injury (causation).
  • If a Defendant acted in a way which was standard that would be accepted as reasonable by a Body of Medical Professionals then the claim will not succeed.
  • Where the standard of care is proved as being substandard, then a breach of duty will be established.
  • The patient must then prove that he/she suffered a direct injury arising out of the negligent act rather than any other cause.
  • And the claimant has proved that the injury would not have arisen but for a negligent act.
Time Limits
  • You have 3 years to claim from the date you first became aware that you suffered a significant injury as a result of the negligent medical treatment.
  • If your child has been injured as a result of medical negligence then you can bring your claim up to 3 years after your 18th birthday (if not incapacitated). If incapacitated, there is no time limit.

Our Cases


A legal duty of care is placed on your healthcare provider who must protect you and your baby from the risk of harm and to provide prompt and effective treatment. If you or your baby suffers an injury during their care, negligence may be a serious consideration. The doctor or midwife caring for you during labour and childbirth, or in the days following the birth may not have been competent in their procedures and actions.

Birth injury claims can be complex. We aim to take that strain from you. Speak to one of our specialist birth injury legal team, we will listen and advise you appropriately.

A legal duty of care is placed on your healthcare provider who must protect you and your baby from the risk of harm and to provide prompt and effective treatment. If you or your baby suffers an injury during their care, negligence may be a serious consideration. The doctor or midwife caring for you during labour and childbirth, or in the days following the birth may not have been competent in their procedures and actions.

Birth injury claims can be complex. We aim to take that train from you. Speak to  one of our specialist birth injury legal team, we will listen and advise you appropriately.

Coming to terms with what may have happened to your baby during birth can be all-consuming and put unbelievable pressure on your everyday life, with the need for aftercare for the child perhaps for the rest of its life.

You’ve been through enough already, so the thought of going through a daunting legal case and making a claim for compensation is probably the last thing you want.  This is why we are reaching out to you. Our experienced and expert team will support and guide you, we do all the legal work, and find remedies that can and will make life easier and better for you and your baby.

You’ve been through enough already.  So the thought of going through a daunting legal case and making a claim for compensation is probably the last thing you want.  This is why we are reaching out to you. Our experienced and expert team will support and guide you, we do all the legal work, and find remedies that can and will make life easier and better for you and your baby.

If your baby has suffered a serious birth injury, it is likely they will need extensive care and support, potentially for the rest of their life. Our team will work with you and by utilizing top medical experts we can secure maximum compensation to improve you and your child’s quality of life. We always aim to get an early admission of liability so that we can get you payments that allow you to get the treatments and therapy you need that will make a difference to the quality of your life. We also aim to settle all cases for the maximum compensation we can get for you without necessarily going to trial, to remove the stress of the litigation.

For children under the age of 18, all successful claims of financial compensation are paid into the court and held on trust. It will be invested on their behalf until they reach the age of 18. As a parent or legal guardian, you can apply directly to the court to release funds to cover payment for things such as medical treatment, or education support. This will be authorized once the court is satisfied that it is necessary. This is usually done with the help of a Deputy who will budget and plan for your child’s spend throughout your child’s life until your child reaches 18, if your child has capacity then. A Deputy can be a family member if the court is satisfied that the family member is the right person to control the finances.

Any amount awarded to your child is approved at what is called an ‘infant approval hearing’. This is a necessary process before any money can be paid out. In some instances, your child may need to attend this hearing, or you may be able to attend on their behalf. Once they reach the age of 18, the money invested is generally paid in full, together with any accrued interest due.

Yes, if your baby sadly died due to a birth injury and someone else was to blame, you may be able to make a claim on behalf of their estate.

If your current legal team are not providing the service and support you need during your birth injury compensation claim, you are completely entitled to change solicitors at no cost. Call us for a second no obligation opinion.

Do you have a question we have not answered? 

Then please contact us. We’ll be pleased to help. We are here for you. Your initial consultation with one of our birth injury claim specialist legal team is free so Call us now on 0330 0011183.


Why Choose Us?


As a team of experienced catastrophic personal injury claim legal experts, we will listen and understand your issues, we will then address them. Together, we will work with you to address

1. Your compensation

Loss of earnings, including future projected losses. Any lost earnings suffered by family members through care provision and:

2. Early admissions of liability

We will strive towards an early admission of liability, and interim payment (payment on account) to enable you to receive early rehabilitation and medical treatment that may be needed in appropriate cases. Closely working with leading medico legal experts and barristers to identify failures and establish fault and causation, i.e. that the negligence wholly caused your injury.

3. Apology from the negligent trust or doctor

In an attempt to give you some immediate closure, we will try to get a personal apology from the negligent trust, so that you have justice from one of the biggest scandals in the history of the NHS.

4. Deductions from your damages

In cases of severe financial hardship, we will not make any deductions for our legal costs from your compensation. In other cases, we will first risk assess every case, and will never take more than 25% of your claim for damages.

5. Communications

We will return your calls on the same day. We will respond to all communications within 3 days, and on the same day if urgent.

If you or your family have been affected or harmed in any way due to inadequate or negligent Maternity Care at Telford Royal, Shrewsbury Hospital or Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, then please get in touch with us to see if we can help and support you with a claim. Call us on – 0330 0011183.

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